Zuzanna Salamon (b. 1997 in Poland) is a representational artist whose work is deeply rooted in traditional techniques. She studied in Poland, Scotland, the Czech Republic, and Italy, experiences that have profoundly shaped her artistic approach. Zuzanna primarily works with charcoal and oil paint.
Her art is a conversation between a deep respect for classical methods and a contemporary sensibility. Zuzanna's work has garnered numerous awards and is featured in private collections across the world.
Her studio practice focuses on the relationship between light and shadow, and how it can reveal the hidden poetry residing within the human form and nature. The reality of Zuzanna's work falls between the real and imaginary world and fuses elements from both. This creates a poetic sensibility that often feels dreamlike. Dramatic lighting, present silence, and lack of movement dominate in her drawings, giving the impression of moments frozen in time. Through this, Zuzanna tries to create storytelling that attempts to connect with the viewer on an emotional level.​ Her work has a personal and diary character - in this sense, they are also a story about Zuzanna's life, fears and desires. Therefore, the details and symbolism that she uses in her work are guided mostly by feeling and intuition. ​​
​'Feathers recur in Zuzanna Salamon’s work, and like the cyclical drift of nature, they provide motif, symbol, and sign. At the same time as gesturing towards the artist’s interest in migration across cultures, they provide a unique challenge for her primary medium, charcoal, to render their textural specificity in a way that we experience as true. In ‘All birds forgot to sing’ what is impressive is the breadth of the scene and the minutiae of its contents: grass blades, the fringes of feathers, folds of a curtain, a flock of birds and their individual silhouettes, the sky and its shadings of light... all rendered in charcoal alone. '
NewBloodArt 2021
​Awards and exhibitions:
Zuzanna's works can be found in private collections in Poland, Hong Kong, Germany, England, Scotland, Italy, Czech Republic, Iceland, Australia and the USA.
Winner of The de Laszlo Foundation Prize Medal for Excellence at The Royal Society of British Artists 201st Exhibition 2024; Mall Galleries, London, UK
The Royal Scottish Academy Latimer Award 2023 for meritorious work in the RSA Annual Exhibition
De Laszo Foundation Prize Highly Commended March 2023 at The Royal Society of British Artists Bicentennial Exhibition 2023; Mall Galleries, London, UK
Karin Walker Young Artist Award during Society of Women Artists Annual Exhibition; 6th -11t September; Mall Galleries, London, Uk. Selected Group Show
The Donald Ritchie Prize for Emerging Artist at Aberdeen Artists Society Annual Exhibition 2022
De Laszo Foundation Prize Highly Commended April 2022 at The Royal Society of British Artists Annual Exhibition 2022; Mall Galleries, London, UK
The John Lynn Commemorative Award at The Royal Society of British Artists Annual Exhibition 2022; Mall Galleries, London, UK.
The Hermione Hammond Drawing Award at the New English Art Club Annual Exhibition 2021, June 2021, Mall Galleries, London, UK.
The Velvet Easel Gallery Award; June 2021, Paisley Art Institute
De Laszo Foundation Prize Highly Commended April 2021, Mall Galleries, London.
The Royal Scottish Academy John Kinross Scholarship 2020
BP Fine Art Distinction Award, Gray's Degree Show 2020; July 2020
Scottish Artists’ Benevolent Association Award; Royal Scottish Academy Annual Exhibition 2020
2nd Prize BGF & EY Painting Exhibition; November 9th- 16th.Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen, UK; Selected Group show
5th place in the II stage of the Nationwide review of drawings, paintings, and sculptures. January 2015; Katowice, Poland. Selected Group Show
One of the 3 representatives of ZSP Katowice that won the Nationwide review of drawings, paintings, and sculptures in the macro southwest region; in January 2015. Katowice, Poland
3rd Prize in XVII Przeglad Sztuki Nieprofesjonalnej, November 2015; Centrum Kultury Ślaskiej; Świętochłowice, Poland; Selected Group show.
Honourable Prize in 16th International Drawing Festival Zabrze; October 2013; Centrum Kultury Katowice; Selected group show. ​
-The Royal Society of British Artists 202st Exhibition 2025; 26th February- 8th March, Mall Galleries, London, UK. Selected group show
-Creative World, part of Nitram Charcoal; 7th-10th February; Messe Frankfurt, Germany, Invited Artist
- Works on paper, Gallery at Green and Stone; 13th January - 15th February 2025, London, UK. Selected group show
- Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Watercolours, the Royal Scottish Academy, 11th January- 5th February, Edinburgh, UK. Selected group show.
- On a Small scale 2024, Open Eye Gallery; 22nd November - 21st December 2024, Edinburgh, UK. Selected group show
-Art on Postcard 10th year anniversary auction, Invited Artist
-Art Renewal Center’s 17th International ARC Salon Competition 2024 Semi-finalist
- Classical Roots, Beaux Arts Bath Gallery, 20th May- 22nd June, Bath, UK. Selected group show
-198th Royal Scottish Academy Annual Exhibition 2024; 11th May - 16th June, The RSA, Edinburgh, UK. Selected group show
-Winner of The de Laszlo Foundation Prize Medal for Excellence at The Royal Society of British Artists 201st Exhibition 2024; Mall Galleries, London, UK
- The Royal Society of British Artists 201st Exhibition 2024; 29th February- 9th March, Mall Galleries, London, UK. Selected group show
-Creative World, part of Nitram Charcoal; 27th-29th January; Messe Frankfurt, Germany, Invited Artist
-The Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition 2023; 13th June- 20th August, the Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK. Selected Group Show
-197th Royal Scottish Academy Annual Exhibition 2023; 6th May- 8th June, The RSA, Edinburgh, UK.
-de Laszo Foundation Prize Highly Commended March 2023 at The Royal Society of British Artists Bicentennial Exhibition 2023; Mall Galleries, London, UK
- The Royal Society of British Artists Bicentennial Exhibition 2023; 1rd- 9th March, Mall Galleries, London, UK. Selected group show
- The Velvet Easel Winter Exhibition; 15th October- 29th January; The Velvet Easel Gallery,
Edinburgh, UK; Selected group show
-Karin Walker Young Artist Award during Society of Women Artists Annual Exhibition; 6th -11t September; Mall Galleries, London, Uk. Selected Group Show
-Society of Women Artists Annual Exhibition; 6th -11t September; Mall Galleries, London, UK. Selected group show
-Winners: Award-Winning Artists; 27th July- 6th August, Mall Galleries, London, UK. Invited Artist
- the Royal Society of British Artists Rising Stars Award; 29th April- 3rd July, The Royal Over-Seas League, London, UK. Selected group show.
- 196th Royal Scottish Academy Annual Exhibition 2022; 23rd April- 12th June; Edinburgh, UK; Selected group show
-The Donald Ritchie Prize for Emerging Artist at Aberdeen Artists Society Annual Exhibition 2022
- Aberdeen Artists Society Annual Exhibition 2022; 16th April- 3rd July, Aberdeen Art Gallery, Aberdeen, UK, Selected Group Show
-de Laszo Foundation Prize Highly Commended April 2022 at The Royal Society of British Artists Annual Exhibition 2022; Mall Galleries, London, UK
- The John Lynn Commemorative Award at The Royal Society of British Artists Annual Exhibition 2022; Mall Galleries, London, UK
- The Royal Society of British Artists Annual Exhibition 2022; 3rd- 12th March, Mall Galleries, London, UK. Selected group show
- The Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition 2021; 22nd September- 2nd January 2021, The Royal Academy, London, UK- Selected Artist, Selected Group Show
-The Hermione Hammond Drawing Award at the New English Art Club Annual Exhibition 2021, June 2021, Mall Galleries, London, UK.
- The New English Art Club Annual Exhibition 2021; 25th June-3rdJuly, Mall Galleries, London, UK. Selected group show
- Aberdeen Artists Society Summer Exhibition 2021; 11th June- 29th August, Online, Aberdeen, UK, Selected Group show
- The Velvet Easel Gallery Award; June 2021, Paisley Art Institute
- Paisley Art Institute Scottish Drawing Competition 2021; 4th -26th June; ArtSpace37, Paisley, UK. Selected group show.
- Pushing out the Boat Issue 16 (North-East Scotland's Magazine of New Writing and the Visual Arts); May 2021; Aberdeen, UK, Selected group publication
- 195th Royal Scottish Academy Annual Exhibition 2021; 2nd April- 30th May; Edinburgh, UK; Selected group show
- The Royal Society of British Artists; 15th April- 24th April, Mall Galleries, London, UK. Selected group show
- de Laszo Foundation Prize Highly Commended April 2021, Mall Galleries, London.
- Four Pillars; 27t February- 3rd April; Tatha Gallery, Newport on Tay, Fife, Scotland, UK. Selected group show
- 30x30 Society of Scottish Artists (online edition); 26th November- 20th December
- Figuratively Speaking virtual exhibition; 30th October; Selected group show
-Aberdeen Artists Society; Aberdeen Art Fair; 30th October-30th December; Online Show; Aberdeen, UK; Selected Group show
- The Royal Scottish Academy John Kinross scholarship 2020
- BP Fine Art Distinction Award, Gray's Degree Show 2020; July 2020
- Gray's School of Art Online Degree show 2020; 10th-19th July
- Scottish Artists’ Benevolent Association Award; Royal Scottish Academy annual exhibition 2020
- 194th Royal Scottish Academy Annual Exhibition 2020; Edinburgh, UK; Selected group show
- Paisley Art Institute 132nd Annual exhibition 2020; Paisley, UK; Selected Group Show
- Gradcurate Summer 2020 Exhibition; Edinburgh, UK; Group show
- Coming Home; Aberdeen Artists Society in Aberdeen Art Gallery online exhibition; Aberdeen, UK.
- On the Table online exhibition; MARRAM Arts; 22th May- 1st September; Selected Group Show
- Art's and Acts Virtual Exhibition; Aberdeen, UK.
- Postcards from Home; Friends Grampian Hospitals Art Trust, Aberdeen, UK.
- Gray's School of Art 4th year panting exhibition; 15th-29th February. Edinburgh Palette, Edinburgh, UK; Group show
- Printmakers 016 online exhibition; 30th April- 2nd July
- Spectra Catalyst Bursary; February. Aberdeen, UK.
- Permanent display of works in IX Chester Hotel on Queen's Rd; Aberdeen, UK.
-Permanent display of works in Cafe Harmony; Bon-accord Terrace; Aberdeen, UK.
- Absolwenci; 20th- 29th October. Centrum Kultury Ślaskiej Zgoda, Świętochłowice, Poland; Selected Group Show
-Trouvaille; September 18th- October 2nd. Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen, UK; Selected Group Show.
- Aberdeen Artists Society; Aberdeen Art Fair 30th of August- 1st of September Aberdeen Music Hall; Aberdeen, UK; Selected Group show
-Gray’s Outlet; August 2nd -4th. Belmont Film House, Aberdeen, UK.; Group show
-Letní klauzury AVU / Dny otevÅ™ených dveÅ™í; May 30th- June 2nd. Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Czech Republic; Selected Group show
- 2nd Prize BGF & EY Painting Exhibition; November 9th- 16th.Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen, UK; Selected Group show
- 5 minutes of being lost July 1st - August 31st. Artkwarium, Sosnowiec, Poland; Solo exhibition
​-SMORG:ARTS: BORD; May 30th- June 6th; Belmont Film House, Aberdeen, UK; Group show
- SNAP; 27th April; Ruthrierston Community Centre, Aberdeen, UK; Group show
- Yet to be Titled; February 2nd; OT Projektarium, Berlin, Germany; Group show
- '24'; 28th of April; Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen. UK; Group show
- Dyplomy 2016; Exhibition of graduates in the specialization of painting, drawing, graphics, metalwork, and jewelry. April 2016. ZespoÅ‚ SzkóÅ‚ Plastycznych Katowice, Poland. Selected group show.
- 3:3; March 2016; ZespoÅ‚ SzkóÅ‚ Plastycznych Katowice, Poland. Selected group show.
- 5th place in the II stage of the Nationwide review of drawings, paintings, and sculptures. January 2015; Katowice, Poland. Selected Group Show
- One of the 3 representatives of ZSP Katowice that won the Nationwide review of drawings, paintings, and sculptures in the macro southwest region; January 2015. Katowice, Poland
- One of the 20 selected artists in the III stage of the Nationwide review of drawings, paintings, and sculptures; May 2015; Dłużew, Poland.
-Solo show in Galeria 1; September 2015; ZespóÅ‚ SzkóÅ‚ Plastycznych; Katowice, Poland.
-Scholarship of the Mayor of Świętochłowice, Poland 2014/2015
- 3rd Prize in XVII Przeglad Sztuki Nieprofesjonalnej, November 2015; Centrum Kultury Ślaskiej; Świętochłowice, Poland; Selected Group show.
- Absolwenci; November 2014; Szkola Podstawowa nr1, Świętochłowice, Poland; Selected Group shows
- Honorable Prize in 16th International Drawing Festival Zabrze; October 2013; Centrum Kultury Katowice; Selected group show.
2020- 2023 WSB Merito University, BA in Business Management
2016 - 2020 Robert Gordon University- Gray's School of Art, First-class honours Painting BA (Hons); Aberdeen, United Kingdom.
2019- Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Painting Studio of Marek Meduna and Petr Dub
2010 - 2016 Secondary and High School of Fine Art (OgólnoksztaÅ‚cÄ…ca SzkoÅ‚a Sztuk PiÄ™knych); Katowice, Poland; Specialization and diploma in silversmithing