Life drawing had always felt to me like an intense race between my memory and the present, and this is why such classes were proved stressful for me when I was in high school. I thought that drawing needed to be a perfect reflection of what was in front of me and as a result, the smallest movement of a model caused me considerable concern and stress. A true relief were still-life classes. This drawing race was based on the cycling processes of observe-remember- forget. I was trying hard to remember what was in front of me and quickly transfer it onto the paper. After a few marks, I realised I had forgotten what I had just seen and consequently had to refer to the model again. I was sure this was caused by a weakness in my human ability. The more I practiced drawing, however, the more I was able to recall the basic pattern of shapes in the human body. As a result, the race became less intense, but never easier due to the differences that can be observed between each human body and handle of a cup. It took me time to realize that this was the beauty of the nature of drawing. The process of forgetting became a blessing thanks to which I will never be able to achieve a perfect reflection, and this leaves understatements that can, and need to, be filled with my interpretation and imagination. I started winning races, as through drawing I started engaging with the present.
I fell in love with drawing and it became a medium through which I could express my thoughts, emotions and experiences. Drawing helped to break down language barriers and enabled me to create works on the subject that many people can relate to.
